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  • Writer's pictureMariya Pitafi


In this fast-paced world, where everything is new, and everything demands change, one thing continues to plague our society even today. The mere mention of the idea that grades do not necessarily reflect success is still revolting to many parents. Sure, they lived in a time where securing good grades meant securing the finest placements in prestigious institutions, but I ask, was it truly to see the kid shine or just a selfish act to be 'recognized' in society?

I have always seen parents obsessing over their children’s grades. Their obsession with grades exerts pressure on children which poses a serious risk to their mental and emotional health. Due to high expectations from parents, kids work hard to get good results, not to learn. Parents are unaware of the fact that good grades don’t make any difference unless their kid has the required skill set.

How many A’s a child has on their progress report is not important, what new skill a child has learned is important. You may find several pieces of research which show that prioritizing good grades over anything else limits a child’s ability to learn. I have always been a high achiever but never have I ever relied on my academic achievements solely for personal growth.

Picture: Pixabay

Moreover, the family environment plays a pivotal role in shaping a child’s behavior to learn. There is no denying the fact that happy and healthy families always help the child grow as a confident individual. On the other hand, families where kids are forced to meet parent’s expectations always end up disappointed.

I urge parents to take the pressure off and make the learning process fun if they want the child to grow intellectually and emotionally. This can be done by promoting ‘learning outside of the school setting’, indulging kids in healthy discussions, encouraging them to ask questions, allowing them to pursue their passion, normalizing failure, inculcating good reading habits, and the list goes on.

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