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  • Writer's pictureMariya Pitafi


After the searing maiden speech of one of India’s female parliamentarians, Mahua Moitra, wherein she identifies the early warning signs of fascism as outlined by Dr. Lawrence Britt in 2003, this term has become talk of the town. In her fiery speech she declared India a fascist state. She contends that Modi’s is a fascist regime because it has all the elements of fascism. When I looked at the checklist of those alarming signs, a question popped up in my mind: “Whether Imran Khan’s is a fascist regime or it’s a true democratic government?”

Before responding to the above question, let me give you a brief idea about Fascism and its ingredients based on my understanding of Dr. Lawrence Brit's theory.

In simple words, Fascism is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government. And, as Pakistanis, we might find it easier to find its parallels in “dictatorship” that has been manifest in all previous regimes in one form or the other. This system thrives if the following elements are in place. First, when there is an extreme economic crises in the country. If you closely analyse the recent predicament of Pakistan you would understand how hard we are being

hit by financial crisis. Second, when the institutions and ruling political parties fail to address the issues of common men, it becomes obvious that the country is heading towards fascism. How’s the current situation in Pakistan? Are these governing bodies rendering the basic public services honestly? Obviously, No. Third, when there is supremacy of military. Military should only be responsible for national security, but the situation is other way round here. There can be no denying the fact that our military has control over political and economic affairs of the country.

All these elements of fascism impede the socio-economic growth of a country.

After pondering on the aforementioned question I come to the conclusion that the signs of Fascism are there in the recent government.

But, it would be unfair to state that Imran Khan’s is a fascist regime because the country he was given was nothing but a great challenge. It would not be unjust to assert that IK has inherited this political and economic menace from his predecessors.

However, to protect the true spirit of democracy and root out all the elements of fascism from the national fabric is a part of his manifesto. In addition, he has promised to restore the country to greatness. So, let’s give him reasonable time so that he could turn his manifesto and promises into reality.

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